Everyone always wants to create an online diary or webapage to show the world that thier life is so unique and exciting- I create one to show the world that mine is just like yours. Like Emily Dickinson once said, "This is my letter to the world," I continue that by saying that this is my html code to the world wide web. I'm 21 now, the older is there, but the wiser is yet to be found.

Hmmm, as much as I hate to do this (stats that is), I must, for a brief summary of what I am generally like click here. Please do not judge the Adobe Photoshop rendering of my picture too harshly… I tried. I will be updating this site more often- it all just depends on the profs who make college a worthwhile and timeconsuming era.


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(c) Everything in these pages belong to me, I wrote the essays, I took the pictures, and I did the layout all on my own. So don't take anything without my permission. polorex@hotmail.com